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1375 Kabouters met rendier

Geschreven: 13 januari 2017 door admin

Grappige kabouters met rozige wangen

Poppenlijfen gekleed als kabouters en gepresenteerd met rendier.


Cut out the parts for trousers, waistcoats and skirts from grey felt. See the text on the template.


Sew the parts together with small backstitches and turn.


Cut hats and jumpers from red felt.


Straighten the arms and glue on the hands.


Sew the jumpers together with backstitches in one side and turn. Put the jumper on the Mother Pixie and sew the other side of the jumper together. Smooth the stitches so they lie horizontally.


Put the trousers on the Father Pixie, tack the waist and tie. Glue boots on the Father Pixie and Mother Pixie. Let the pixies stand in their boots before the glue dries, to make them stable when standing.


Cut the pocket from red felt. Glue a crochet lace border onto the reverse side of the apron at the bottom, at the top of the apron, on the pocket and as braces. Glue the pocket on.


Sew red thread in the buttons and glue them on. Cut a small square of red felt, tack around the edge and glue it onto the trousers.


Glue on the wool as hair. Sew the hats together and glue them on.

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