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12162 Armband met halfedelstenen

Geschreven: 14 januari 2017 door admin

Gevlochten armbanden

Geknoopt met macramé koord met multi-facette halfedelsteen kralen en knopen van kristal. Een metalen kraal met tekst is verwerkt in de geknoopte sluiting van de armband.


Cut two pieces of 2mm macramé cord measuring approx. 80cm and one piece of 1mm macramé cord measuring 40cm. Fasten the first 10cm of the card onto a clipboard. Braid with the thick cords and thread the stones onto the 1mm cord.


Thread the crystal button onto the middle cord and pull the braiding tight underneath.


Finish braiding the bracelet and alternate between a stone and a button.


Thread the two ends of the thin cord through the metal text bead from each side.


Continue braiding over the thin cords until the bracelet has the required length.


Cut off the ends and melt them.


… and immediately press them firmly onto the back using a pair of scissors.


The thin macramé cord has a plastic core which is then pulled out.


Lightly melt the end and thread on a mini silver bead.


Tie a knot and melt this very carefully.

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