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11177 Savanne kuikens

Geschreven: 13 januari 2017 door admin

Sculptural savannah chickens

Small cute savannah chickens made from papier-mâché powder and polystyrene eggs.


Mix papier-mâché powder using the recipe on the bag.
Squeeze the pulp around the polystyrene egg and form the bird as it should be. Poke a hole in the bottom for legs.
Use a stick to make patterns on the bird and let it dry completely.


Paint the bird with Pigment Acrylic Paint – use plenty of water in the paint. Once the first layer is dry wipe the bird with a thin layer of gold paint.


Turn and twist a couple of chicken feet from bonsai wire with pliers, remember an extra long toe for standing in the plaster.
Cut a milk carton approximately 10cm from the bottom and fill it with plaster, put in the chicken feet and stabilize with pegs.
When the base is dry and painted, put on the bird with a blob of glue.

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