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11172 Geboetseerde vogel op stok

Geschreven: 13 januari 2017 door admin

Sculptured bird on a stick and a plaster base

This elegant bird sculpture is quite simple is made of newspaper and VTR adhesive around a polystyrene egg.


Tear up the newspaper into a few large pieces and wrap the egg in, twist a neck at one end. Remember there must be enough paper to also make a head.


Now rub VTR adhesive onto small pieces of newspaper and build your bird up by adding layers of paper. The VTR adhesive is very smooth and dries hard. Once your bird is ready and smooth then add a piece of adhesive wet paper over the back as wings. The bird must be put away for drying.


Cut the top off a milk carton approx. 10cm from the bottom, fill it with plaster and insert the stick for the bird. Stabilize the stick with pegs on the edge.When the base is dry, push down the bird onto the top securely. If necessary use a glue gun to secure the bird. Finally paint the bird.

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