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12356 Ketting met rode glas kralen

Geschreven: 14 januari 2017 door admin

Ketting in drievoud

Rijg glazen kralen op drie stukken sieraden draad. Rijg de kleine kralen op elk van de drie draden. De draden worden allen door de grote kralen geregen. Sieradenonderdelen worden gebruikt om de ketting te sluiten.


Gather three pieces of beading wire with a bead tip and a crimp bead.


Thread small beads onto each of the three pieces of beading wire. Then gather all the three wires in the large beads.


Close with a bead tip and a crimp bead. Then attach oval rings and a lobster claw clasp. You may refer to the techniques described in the Jewellery School.


A variant (a bracelet): Thread beads onto a piece of elastic cord. Tie the cord with five or six very tight reef knots.

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