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12346 Pop Up Line op metaal

Geschreven: 13 januari 2017 door admin

Puffed Up Kippen en schapen

Schuursponsjes van metaal met Pop Up Line gemengd met A-Color glossy acrylverf en verhit (gepuffed) met een warmtepistool. De snavel en de ogen zijn gevormd van Silk Clay en gelijmd met een lijmpistool.


Mix the Pop Up Line with A-Color glossy acrylic paint in the ratio 10:1.


Apply a generous coating of the coloured Pop Up Line to the steel scouring metal sponge. Let it dry for 24 hours or until it is completely dry.


Make eyes, heads and beak from Silk Clay and let it dry.


Hold the sponges with flat nose pliers and carefully place the heat gun over the sponge at a distance of approx. 10cm. The colour will now puff up.


Glue the heads, eyes and beak on with a glue gun.


Glue pieces of cotton twine onto the sponges for arms and legs.


Make feet from Silk Clay by applying Silk Clay around the ends of the cotton twine. Glue on feathers as wings.

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