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11635 Collages op canvas

Geschreven: 13 januari 2017 door admin

Lijm servetten en country papier op kleine canvassen. Verf en bestempel met Plus Color en lijm houten figuren en linten op de canvassen. Hang ze apart of samen om een grotere afbeelding te maken.

Picture 1 (top left):
The canvas is painted with Plus Color beige. Cut out napkin designs. Apply a thin coat of VTR adhesive to the canvas and carefully brush on the motifs. Varnish three or four times.

Picture 2 (top right):

The canvas is covered with contrypapir using VTR adhesive. A smaller piece is glued on and framed using Zigzag ribbon. Varnish three or four times. Paint and patinate the wooden figure with Plus Color.

Picture 3 (bottom left):
The canvas is covered with contrypapir using VTR adhesive. Then patinate with a thin layer of Plus Color and print on a motif with Plus Color. Varnish three or four times.

Picture 4 (bottom right):
Brush the canvas with a thin layer of VTR adhesive. Carefully attach the napkin and smooth it with a brush. Varnish three or four times.

See example

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