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12079 Kaarten maken

Geschreven: 12 januari 2017 door admin

Kaart met knopen

Houten knopen in twee maten zijn gedecoreerd met gestreept katoenkoord en op de kaart gelijmd met Clear Marker. De tekst is gemaakt van zelfklevend peel-off folie stickers.


Cut a piece of paper measuring 5 x 12.5cm from design paper. Also cut two small squares in the shape of a flower pot from grey card and fibre paper and attach all the parts onto the card with double-sided adhesive tape.


Insert striped cotton string in the wood buttons. You may use a beading needle.


Glue the buttons onto the card with Clear Marker. Also attach self-adhesive peel-off foil stickers with the text “Merry Christmas”.

For further inspiration with Vivi Gade Paper, please see ideas No. 12080, 12081, 12082 and 11883.

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