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12098 Grote, gedecoreerde dozen van karton

Geschreven: 21 februari 2017 door admin

Kerst dozen

Kartonnen dozen bekleedt met handgemaakt papier. Plus Color is gebruikt voor het beschilderen en bestempelen met foam stempels. De deksels zijn gedecoreerd met gevlochten lint.


Paint the box with Plus Color.


Measure the foam stamp and divide the sides of the box into equally big areas, using chalk to mark the areas.


Dab some gold paint onto the stamp using a foam stencil brush.


Or you may glue some gorgeous handmade paper onto the sides of the box using VTR adhesive.


Also apply glue to the box prior to attaching the paper. Cover the box with individual pieces of paper depending on the size of the box.


Cut a notch in each corner.


Bend the edges to go underneath the box and neatly tuck the edges at the top inside the box.


For the base, cut a piece of paper slightly smaller than the measurement of the box. The paper gets bigger when wet with glue.


You may decorate the edges of the lid with gold braided trim.


Or you may use a self-adhesive lace for decoration. Remember to remove the protective layer at the back. Note: Use VTR adhesive to attach the paper lace onto painted surfaces.

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